Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Loving Our Sammy

Thank you, again, for all who were involved with Sweatin' for Sammy one way or another.  I can't express my gratitude enough.  I have always thought of Samantha as a blessing.  Yes, there were times, especially early on, when I was sad about the situation.  But I have never been sad about her.  She has brought so much joy to my life.  Her disorder/condition have brought me frustration, sadness, and emotional pain.  However, her little self has brought more joy than I could  e v e r  imagine.  But, you know...the microcephaly and cerebral palsy and epilepsy...they are a part of her.  So, in a way, yes, those things bring me happiness too.  hmm  Weird.

Sweatin' for Sammy is more than just a way for her to have money to cover this therapy in Utah.  Long term, it will cover other therapies that have been recommended for her that we would like to try.  It will cover other medical expenses and/or medical equipment that she will need.

Sweatin' for Sammy started as a fundraiser, but it has become something more special to us.  I love crowds and parties!  And this day that we devote to Sammy has become, to us, a celebration of Samantha.  It's a party to celebrate her life.  The money is important and fantastic.  It goes right to her trust and we can use that to make sure she gets all that we hope to be able to provide for her.  But...she is an amazing little girl.  And it's hard for me to keep dry-eyed at the end of Sweatin' for Sammy when I think about all the people there loving our little girl, whether they know her or not.  I truly feel honored to be her mother.

The other day Marcus and I talked to a friend on the phone.  As she talked about Samantha, I felt overwhelmed with so much love.  I know there are other ways, surely, that I could have learned the lessons that I'm needing to learn in this lifetime...but I am grateful that my Heavenly Father chose to teach me through Samantha.  She is all things good.  And I'm grateful to have her in our home and in our life, forever.

For all who have asked, I posted on our family blog about the grand total.

Again, thank you to all who came because you know her, love her, don't know her but want to, or just because a friend dragged you along.  No matter why you were involved, I love you for it.

Sammy's teacher and friend from school.  Samantha's teacher is nothing short from phenomenal.  We are greatly blessed that Sammy is in her class and that Laura came to Argonaut this past year.  Sammy plays on the playground with this little boy.  He seems to have a special connection and affection for her.  I deeply love his parents for teaching him to see Sammy and other kids like her as his equal.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Getting Ready to Sweat

I am getting very ready for tomorrow's big day.  Yesterday we went to packet pick-up and got our t-shirts and bib numbers.  I was so excited I could hardly contain myself.  Road Runner was awesome.  Even though we are among the smaller events that do packet pick-up there, the employees were full of energy and so fun.  Callie had a great time playing red light, green light with the employees there as she waited for me.

We have awesome t-shirts this year.  
We have about 500 bananas in the minivan.
We have a ton of bagels that I need to fit into the van.
We have 200 Nutrigrain bars.
We have about 500 energy bars.
And even more food.
600 bottles of water.
More people are still registering.
Sammy will be on the NBC news tonight.
Firefighters are scheduled to come cheer the kids on during their race.
Music is set.
Prizes packed.

And we're doing all those final touches, hoping we don't forget anything.

I am filled with so much gratitude.  Last week, I was worried that people wouldn't come.  But then, I didn't care.  Something happened and I just didn't care anymore...not in a bad a good way.  I realized that whoever was there would be celebrating Samantha with us, and that was enough for me.  I felt calm and really really blessed.  And now, in the 11th hour, I cannot believe what is coming together.  Sponsors deciding to write another check, just because.  What?!  People signing up, just because they want to be a part of it.  Volunteers coming out of the woodwork, just because they want to be there.  I'm touched.  I'm excited.  I'm so so happy.

I remember when I did the Hellyer 1/2 Marathon a couple months ago.  I was so excited.  Well, honestly, I felt some dread at the same time...but that morning I was so excited.  When I sit back and think about the people who will be there, excited to run in this race, and that it is all because of Samantha, it makes my heart overflow with such love and gratitude.

So, here's to tomorrow, and here's to Sweatin' for Sammy!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Little Angel

A family friend, Britney Black, created this video for a school project.  It was nominated to go to the film festival among the middle schools...way to go Britney!  For more details for Sweatin' for Sammy...scroll down.


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