What: Sweatin' for Sammy 2012 -- 10K, 5K, Kids' Fun Run
When: Saturday, May 19, 2012
Where: Hellyer County Park 985 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, 95111
Kids' Run Specifics
Kids' Fun Run starts at 10:30amRace day registration is at 8am IF we are not sold out -- limited to 100 Kids' Run participants. If you are interested, please register online to secure a place for your child.
Kids Run distances:
30 yards -- 2-3 yr olds
100 yards -- 4-5 yr olds
200 yards -- 6-7 yr olds
300 yards -- 8-9 yr olds
If you were there last year, no doubt you were sweatin' for Sammy (or...hikin' for Sammy) on the trail at Quicksilver. This year we are on a paved, flat trail!
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Amato Pizzeria (www.amatopizzeria.com 408-997-7727)
JM Williams Accountancy (www.jmwac.com)
Kevin Calvert DDS/Christopher Walton DDS (http://www.calvertdds.com/)
Saputo Cheese (http://www.saputousafoodservice.com/)
Jim Pojda: Alain Pinel (www.jimpojda.com)
R. Martin Judd DDS (408-377-3366)
The Learning Map (www.thelearningmap.blogspot.com)
Motif Spa (http://www.motifspa.com/)
Leonard Peterson DDS (408-873-8484)
Diamond Fence Company (http://www.diamondfenceco.com/ 408-374-4282)
Araujo's Mexican Grill (3070 Senter Rd 408-300-0814)
Elo Photography (www.elophotography.com)
Pictures from
Sweatin' for Sammy