Friday, April 20, 2012

Sweatin' for Sammy 2012

Be a part of the fun and help us raise money to get Sammy to Now I Can again this coming year! 

What:  Sweatin' for Sammy 2012 -- 10K, 5K, Kids' Fun Run

When:  Saturday, May 19, 2012

Where: Hellyer County Park 985 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, 95111

Kids' Run Specifics
Kids' Fun Run starts at 10:30am
Race day registration is at 8am IF we are not sold out -- limited to 100 Kids' Run participants.  If you are interested, please register online to secure a place for your child.  

Kids Run distances:
30 yards -- 2-3 yr olds
100 yards -- 4-5 yr olds
200 yards -- 6-7 yr olds
300 yards -- 8-9 yr olds


For more information and to register, visit   or

If you were there last year, no doubt you were sweatin' for Sammy (or...hikin' for Sammy) on the trail at Quicksilver. This year we are on a paved, flat trail!

Thank You to our Sponsors!
Amato Pizzeria ( 408-997-7727)
JM Williams Accountancy  (
Kevin Calvert DDS/Christopher Walton DDS (
Saputo Cheese (
Jim Pojda: Alain Pinel (
R. Martin Judd DDS  (408-377-3366)
The Learning Map (
Motif Spa (
Leonard Peterson DDS   (408-873-8484)
Diamond Fence Company  (  408-374-4282)
Araujo's Mexican Grill (3070 Senter Rd  408-300-0814)
Elo Photography (

Pictures from
Sweatin' for Sammy

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Two Days

I can't believe it's almost time to go home.  Four weeks is a long time to be away, and in some respects, I feel like we've been here the time has flown by.

Here's some more progress from our little super star:

* Today, for the first time, she walked in a straight line by herself.  Seems so simple.  There's so much we take for granted.  But for her, these are huge things.  Sergio had her and she walked right to Aaron when prompted (about 6 ft. away).  Sergio was thrilled.  Me too!

* Hands and arms are still so much more relaxed.

* Her overall body is more relaxed.  I can't believe it.  I know there's still spunk in her, but she's so much calmer.

* ummmm, I had more things on my list, but I'm tired now and can't think.

I'm proud of her.  They are small accomplishments, but also really BIG!  I'm do have this fear that people won't see the change and think we are wasting our time, but then I remember that that's just lame.  And I get over it.  Just Thursday and Friday left.


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